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Beautifull A Solar House

High praise, indeed, from a member of the solar house team that took 3rd place in the 2005 Solar Decathlon. We won't mention the name of the well-known school, but it's fabeled location is "Far Above Cayuga's Waters". Regardless, we think you'll agree that soon-to-be Missouri S&T's stunning interior design would impress any stylish interior decorator, even this writer's lovely wife.

UMR's Solar House Team has long held that the Solar Decathlon is more than just about building a solar powered house, but more about designing and building an amazing energy-efficient house that also just HAPPENS to get all it power from the sun. And especially an efficient, solar-powered house that people would actually want to LIVE in. Don't believe us? How about UMR's Solar Village, where our '02 and '05 house now serve as very popular student residences. Still don't believe us? Why not visit the houses for yourself. We'd love to give you a tour.
Anyway, the previous Solar Decathlons had a very strong architectural perspective, and considering that most entries were designed more by architecture students than engineers UMR more than held its own, so much so that UMR's 05 house was featured in Popular Mechanics magazine a few months later, and honored by the D-I-Y Cable channel as well. And we expect similar kudos for our really cool 07 house when the dust (er, judging) settles. Not bad for engineers, eh?


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